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Tattoo Artist and Shop Owner (He/Him)


Tony, aka Pepper or Pep, is the proud owner of The Laughing Skull (Grand Prairie) and Prairie Fire Tattoo (Edmonton). When Tony was young, he would ask his mom if she would draw some of his favourite cartoon characters for him, to which she replied “Go F#©king draw them yourself!” And so he did. First it was cartoon characters like Garfield, Super Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog, but later Tony would be inspired by art he found in Tattoo and Heavy Metal Magazines. Somewhere along the lines we think he may have fallen into a vat of radioactive comics, which gave him his super powers.

Tony takes pride in versatility as an artist; he’s equally at home working on a greyscale, or full colour pieces, cartoon or realism. In particular he’s excited about vibrant, high-contrast colour pieces.  

Make Tony’s day with offerings of Sour Gummies and Diet Pepsi.

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